Psychic Tai

Not all psychics read the same...
I see pictures in my mind (visions) which can be literal or symbolic in nature. Relaying these images can be therapeutic and informative. Many people walk away feeling effects similar to a counseling session yet they spoke very few words and gained tons of information.
I read energy on an energetic/metaphysical level, not a social level.
I won't try to tell you what to do with your life or program you to manifest my predictions.
I am here to give insight into yourself and your life situation in order to help you evolve, have more clarity in your decisions, and find your true self.

My Journey
I was always a strange kid, very shy to say the least. I have always been interested in spirituality since I started drawing spiritual icons and Egyptian symbols obsessively at a very young age. Everyone knew I was quite different…
I have always been very sensitive to energy and I learned meditation as a child from my father who taught martial arts. I started training at Portland Psychic School in 2018 just to strengthen my intuitive abilities. Soon I found myself giving professional level readings to people I had never met before. I realized that this is a useful tool for more than just my own spiritual journey and that I can help others find their answers within themselves as well. I have been giving professional level psychic readings since January 2019.
Client Reviews
Tai is able to see into our karma, accessing our blocks and current positions to better assist in decision making. I highly value his unique insights and methodology to reading energy. It's unlike any other reader I've encountered before and highly accurate. Thanks Tai!
I thought this reading was phenomenal, and I don’t really use that word but it was that good. It was very different because I mostly have  had medium readings, and haven’t had my aura read. It was therapeutic. I feel like you could be a psychic psychologist if there is a such thing.
-Ashley D.
Tai is the real deal. He has the talent but also the wisdom and maturity to filter out his own ego to provide a clear articulation of what he perceives in his client's aura. I resonated so intensely with his reading that I am still weeks later working with the valuable insights gained during my session. Very highly recommended !
Xyplexia Modalis